44 #ifndef ILI9341_H_INCLUDED 45 #define ILI9341_H_INCLUDED 60 #define CONF_ILI9341_SPI QVGA_SPI 61 #elif defined(QVGA_USART_SPI) 62 #define CONF_ILI9341_USART_SPI QVGA_USART_SPI 74 #define CONF_ILI9341_CLOCK_SPEED 8000000UL 77 #define CONF_ILI9341_CS_PIN QVGA_CS 80 #define CONF_ILI9341_DC_PIN QVGA_DC 86 #define CONF_ILI9341_RESET_PIN QVGA_LCD_RESET 89 #if defined(CONF_ILI9341_USART_SPI) 90 # include <serial_interface/usart_spi.h> 91 #elif defined(CONF_ILI9341_SPI) 94 # error "Interface not supported by the component driver" 140 #define ILI9341_COLOR(r, g, b) Swap16((((uint16_t)b) >> 3) | ((((uint16_t)g) << 3) & 0x07E0) | ((((uint16_t)r) << 8) & 0xf800)) 155 #define ILI9341_FLIP_X 1 157 #define ILI9341_FLIP_Y 2 159 #define ILI9341_SWITCH_XY 4 164 #define ILI9341_DEFAULT_HEIGHT 240 167 #define ILI9341_DEFAULT_WIDTH 320 170 #define ILI9341_SWITCH_XY_HEIGHT 320 173 #define ILI9341_SWITCH_XY_WIDTH 240 void ili9341_write_gram(ili9341_color_t color)
Write the graphical memory with a single color pixel.
Standard board header file. Diese Datei enthält die Standardparameter und Pinbelegungen für das BMS B...
Commonly used includes, types and macros.
void ili9341_set_orientation(uint8_t flags)
Sets the orientation of the display data.
void ili9341_init(void)
Initialise the controller.
void ili9341_set_limits(ili9341_coord_t start_x, ili9341_coord_t start_y, ili9341_coord_t end_x, ili9341_coord_t end_y)
Set the full display drawing limits.
XMEGA I/O Port driver header file.
void ili9341_copy_progmem_pixels_to_screen(ili9341_color_t PROGMEM_PTR_T pixels, uint32_t count, uint8_t swap)
Copy pixels from progmem to the screen.
void ili9341_set_top_left_limit(ili9341_coord_t x, ili9341_coord_t y)
Set the display top left drawing limit.
void ili9341_copy_pixels_to_screen(const ili9341_color_t *pixels, uint32_t count)
Copy pixels from SRAM to the screen.
void ili9341_duplicate_pixel(const ili9341_color_t color, uint32_t count)
Set a given number of pixels to the same color.
ili9341_color_t ili9341_read_gram(void)
Read a single color from the graphical memory.
void ili9341_copy_pixels_from_screen(ili9341_color_t *pixels, uint32_t count)
Copy pixels from the screen to a pixel buffer.
SPI Master driver header file.
void ili9341_set_bottom_right_limit(ili9341_coord_t x, ili9341_coord_t y)
Set the display bottom right drawing limit.