Sourcecode Batteriemanagementsystem
FAT directory functions
Zusammengehörigkeiten von FAT directory functions:


void fat_close_dir (struct fat_dir_struct *dd)
uint8_t fat_create_dir (struct fat_dir_struct *parent, const char *dir, struct fat_dir_entry_struct *dir_entry)
struct fat_dir_structfat_open_dir (struct fat_fs_struct *fs, const struct fat_dir_entry_struct *dir_entry)
uint8_t fat_read_dir (struct fat_dir_struct *dd, struct fat_dir_entry_struct *dir_entry)
uint8_t fat_reset_dir (struct fat_dir_struct *dd)

Ausführliche Beschreibung

Functions for managing directories.

Dokumentation der Funktionen

void fat_close_dir ( struct fat_dir_struct dd)

Closes a directory descriptor.

This function destroys a directory descriptor which was previously obtained by calling fat_open_dir(). When this function returns, the given descriptor will be invalid.

[in]ddThe directory descriptor to close.
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Definiert in Zeile 1363 der Datei fat.c.

Hier ist ein Graph der zeigt, wo diese Funktion aufgerufen wird:

uint8_t fat_create_dir ( struct fat_dir_struct parent,
const char *  dir,
struct fat_dir_entry_struct dir_entry 

Creates a directory.

Creates a directory and obtains its directory entry. If the directory to create already exists, its directory entry will be returned within the dir_entry parameter.

Zu beachten
The notes which apply to fat_create_file() also apply to this function.
[in]parentThe handle of the parent directory of the new directory.
[in]dirThe name of the directory to create.
[out]dir_entryThe directory entry to fill for the new directory.
0 on failure, 1 on success.
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Definiert in Zeile 2139 der Datei fat.c.

Hier ist ein Graph, der zeigt, was diese Funktion aufruft:

struct fat_dir_struct* fat_open_dir ( struct fat_fs_struct fs,
const struct fat_dir_entry_struct dir_entry 

Opens a directory.

[in]fsThe filesystem on which the directory to open resides.
[in]dir_entryThe directory entry which stands for the directory to open.
An opaque directory descriptor on success, 0 on failure.
Siehe auch

Definiert in Zeile 1324 der Datei fat.c.

Hier ist ein Graph der zeigt, wo diese Funktion aufgerufen wird:

uint8_t fat_read_dir ( struct fat_dir_struct dd,
struct fat_dir_entry_struct dir_entry 

Reads the next directory entry contained within a parent directory.

[in]ddThe descriptor of the parent directory from which to read the entry.
[out]dir_entryPointer to a buffer into which to write the directory entry information.
0 on failure, 1 on success.
Siehe auch

Definiert in Zeile 1382 der Datei fat.c.

Hier ist ein Graph, der zeigt, was diese Funktion aufruft:

Hier ist ein Graph der zeigt, wo diese Funktion aufgerufen wird:

uint8_t fat_reset_dir ( struct fat_dir_struct dd)

Resets a directory handle.

Resets the directory handle such that reading restarts with the first directory entry.

[in]ddThe directory handle to reset.
0 on failure, 1 on success.
Siehe auch

Definiert in Zeile 1487 der Datei fat.c.

Hier ist ein Graph der zeigt, wo diese Funktion aufgerufen wird: